Rick Springfield music 24/7

Rick Springfield fans can now listen to music from his decades-long career anytime they want!

The Rick and the NEWSflash fan group has created a free new commercial-free radio station that always plays his music, a wonderful treat for both his longtime and new fans.

Check it out here. The group is also on Facebook and Twitter.

People who only know him for “Jessie’s Girl” will be surprised to learn how much music he’s made since the 1960s. Even after being immersed in his music for awhile now, there are still several songs and different versions of songs that I haven’t heard yet. The songs include songs from his many studio albums, acoustic versions, live versions from concerts and songs from his different bands (Zoot, The Red Locusts, Sahara Snow). Earlier today was a performance with RS and Richard Marx from one of the fan cruises. At this very moment, he is singing “Painted Girl,” the very first song he remembers writing at age 15, which he performed at an acoustic Stripped Down tour.

This is for diehard RS fans for sure, but also for those who are fans that are only familiar with his hits because there are SO MANY GREAT SONGS that you’ll want to hear.

And if you’re not a fan of Rick Springfield, then you don’t have to listen and why are you even reading this blog? (But since you’re here, you may as well check out his songs and you may become a fan.)

By the way, those who listened to his recent Working Class DJ show on SIRIUSXm with the theme of “Hopeless Romantics” (which was actually a set of cynical love songs that included “Love Stinks,” “Tainted Love” and “King of Pain) would have heard him mention a photo session where he was wearing a pink shirt and a leather jacket holding a black guitar. This is the one I think he was talking about (which I of course had on my bedroom wall during my teenage years…)

Another one from this session (that was also on my wall):

Just for fun, here’s a really bad pic of the actual wall from my teenage bedroom (with those two posters):

Thank you to RS for all the decades of great music and to the Rick and the NEWSflash fan group for sharing all this music!

One thought on “Rick Springfield music 24/7

  1. Hey! What a brilliant idea! Rick Springfield music 🎶 24/7. I suppose I’m just a die hard Springfield fan! Thanks to the group for offering this to his fans.


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