Paragraph in a library book

One of my favorite places to visit is a library, where I enjoy wandering through the aisles scanning book titles and seeing what captures my attention. I usually end up leaving with a stack of unrelated books of whatever varied topics catch my eye – usually a cookbook or two (though I rarely ever make anything from them), an inspirational book, a memoir and other random topics.

Anyway, a few visits ago I brought home “Congratulations, Who Are You Again? A Memoir” by Harrison Scott Key. It sat on my shelf for a few weeks but once I saw that it was nearly due I thought I would give it a try as it is about the author pursuing his dream of becoming an author and I love a good dream-pursuing memoir.

The reason I am sharing this here is because I just read the following paragraph on Page 121:

You never know when a RS reference will pop up in your life!

Well wishes

Since the New Year kicked off with a cancelled show due to RS testing positive for COVID, just wanted to a post a quick “Get Well soon, RS!” message (and a little message for 2022: “Really? C’mon, we had such high hopes for you, can’t you be more like 2019? This is not a good first impression!”)

Hopefully he was able to safely get back home to recuperate and that it’s a very mild case that he recovers from quickly (and that nobody else gets sick).

Hopefully 2022 shapes up quickly to bring more positive news (but not more COVID-positive news.)