About RS crush

What is about a teenage – or preteen – crush that fuels such an obsession? And what happens when one grows out of that crush but then discovers, decades later, that it was merely lying dormant?
Who knows?

But here’s my experience with my Rick Springfield crush.

(This same crush inspired me to do one more blog, a musical journey of his memoir, “Late, Late at Night,” that has links to videos of his songs through the years. Thanks to all his fans who posted those videos – they were so fun to watch!)

I hope you enjoy the blog!


5 thoughts on “About RS crush

  1. Your most recent blog post about the RS concert in Phoenix – I purchased a $500 guitar for the sole purpose of having 2 minutes of his time. When it was my turn backstage, I asked him to sign the guitar to my wife and then I let him know I lived through some very dark times as a teen and the only source of joy I had during that time was music. Much of it was *his* music. It’s what kept me from hitting the bottom of that Abyss. I told him it is an honor and a blessing to stand before him today, look him directly in the eye and say Thank You! He really seemed touched by it and I hope he remembers it.

    So, don’t feel bad if you didn’t get a chance to tell him the impact his music has had on you, because just moments before, I did.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was in line near your ex a couple of years ago at the RS cd signing at Fingerprints in Long Beach and he said I should check out your site…tell him I did.
    Nice now to see that Renata has recommended it on her site as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • How funny! Thanks for checking out the site! He did mention that he told someone about it. Yes, it was so nice for Renata to recommend this on her site!


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