2022 Recap

A quick note to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

When I think of 2022 in terms of this blog, only two things come to mind – the “Working Class Dog” tour and the loss of Matty

The “Working Class Dog” summer tour with Men at Work and John Waite celebrated the 40th anniversary of the album and there was also a new box set and two live streams. There were also several weekly doses of the “Working Class DJ” show on Sirius XM.

In Australia, there was a musical performance based on “Late, Late at Night,” RS’s autobiography, which was also pretty cool. Hopefully there will be an opportunity to see that at some point.

The loss of Matty Spindel came as a shock, as everything seemed to happen so quickly. We saw him in the living room concert (filmed in 2021 but released in 2022) and then there was a Facebook post in October announcing his death. He was such an important part of RS’s life that it’s still difficult to comprehend that he’s gone.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot these past couple of weeks as my uncle died from pancreatic cancer earlier this month. There have been so many reminders that while we welcome 2023, we have no idea how it will go or if we’ll be around to bid it farewell a year from now. I just want to sit here with those I love and am trying to focus on all those beams of light and goodness that exist out there.

In a past interview, RS mentioned that he expects his new album to be released sometime in March so that’s something to look forward to in the New Year (and hey, there’s also the fan trip that was recently teased!)

Clink! Here’s to a wonderful 2023 for you all. (That was a little toast with Beach Bar Rum Redhead Macadamia Nut.)