
Is it weird to know the song I want to be played at my funeral?

After hearing Rick Springfield’s new song “Irreplaceable,” I almost made that request to my husband, but then decided against it because I thought it might be a little morbid and perhaps a bit presumptuous. (Although I do hope he would consider me “irreplaceable.”)

What a beautiful song. RS wrote it in memory of his mother, Eileen Louise Springthorpe, who died on Dec 21, 2016, and it is so touching and heartbreaking.

You’re irreplaceable to me, inerasable and I see
We are breakable when we fall
You’re irreplaceable in my soul
The sun will rise and morning breaks
As the world awakes without you

A master lyricist at work again. RS fans are so lucky that he decides to share his lyrics with the world. The song is on his new “Orchestrating My Life” album and is performed with a symphony orchestra.

He has said in interviews that after his mom died, he experienced certain signs that comforted him because it made it clear to him that she was still around.

Your spirit shines tonight, blazing like a neon light
Love gives me second sight, I see your signs they’re clear and bright
I’ll find you in the great unknown where angels celebrate you home
And standing at the gate, alone, I’ll be reaching for your hand

I haven’t listened to the song yet without getting tears in my eyes. (And to those familiar with the song he wrote after his dad died, “April 24, 1981,” there’s the mention of the “great unknown.”)

Yeah I miss you most of these days, at moon-rising, sun-downing
But the pain comes in these wave and tonight I’m drowning

As a mom of three sons, it also gets to me when I think of him not as a heartthrob rock star, but as someone’s son who wrote this song about his mom. And even though he is almost 70 years old, he’s still her son.
Yep, there are those tears running down my face again when I think about it.

Just as his song “My Father’s Chair” has brought comfort to so many people who have lost their dad, “Irreplaceable” will also be very meaningful to many.

It’s such a beautiful tribute to his mom and I can picture her warm smile, beaming with pride.

For lyrics, click here.

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