‘Orchestrating My Life’

My favorite rock star (and possibly yours, too, if you’re reading this…) was on a radio show tonight where he casually mentioned that his new album is called “Orchestrating My Life” and it will be out in about two months. He said there’s a new song on it and “a bunch of the big hits on there orchestrated and re-recorded.” They sound like the original, he said, but then they added the orchestra.

First of all, I love the title and its double meaning. It’s the perfect name. Plus, I can’t wait to hear his songs with the orchestra and I’m excited for a new song!

There are some videos of the Rick Springfield interview with Peter Tilden on the 790ABC Facebook page, where he briefly talks about this new album and a variety of other things. It was a fun interview to watch and I appreciate the fact that we got to see the radio interview – thank you, technology.

Listen carefully to the beginning of the third video (sorry, I tried to embed it here, but it didn’t work. It’s the one that’s 3:57 long. I also shared it on this blog’s FB page). Could it be the NEW SONG? I’ve listened it about 15 times and don’t recognize it, searched the lyrics on Google and couldn’t find them and Shazam-ed it and got “No Result” so I’m thinking it might be. (If I’m wrong, let me know, as if it was the NEW SONG you’d think one of them would say “Here’s the NEW SONG from the NEW ALBUM, right?) Inquiring minds want to know. I want to know!

(Do you catch that reference? One more thing imprinted in my mind from the ’80s.)

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