Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Last week, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced its nominees for 2017.

The nominees were announced on SiriusXM’s all-music talk channel on Oct. 18:

The list features newly eligible artists Pearl Jam and Tupac Shakur as well as the previously nominated Janet Jackson, Chaka Khan, Kraftwerk, Yes, Chic, The Cars, The Zombies, Joe Tex, J. Geils Band, MC5, and previously eligible artists (on ballot for the first time) Bad Brains, Depeche Mode, Electric Light Orchestra, Jane’s Addiction, Joan Baez, Journey, and Steppenwolf.

What are the qualifications to be nominated?

According to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame’s website,  “Artists—a group encompassing performers, composers and/or musicians—become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first record. Besides demonstrating unquestionable musical excellence and talent, inductees will have had a significant impact on the development, evolution and preservation of rock & roll.”

I can think of someone who meets those qualifications.

Rick Springfield definitely fits that criteria. His first single as an individual artist, “Speak to the Sky” was released in 1972, 44 years ago. He demonstrates unquestionable musical excellence and talent and has had a significant impact on the development, evolution and preservation of rock & roll.

Some proof: His role in the Sound City documentary shows his history and impact in the rock & roll musical scene (development). His appearances on the “Greatest Hits” show and the I Heart Radio’s 80 Party earlier this year prove that in addition to being considered an icon of the ’80s, he’s still got it today and lots of those younger folks in the audience still seem pretty thrilled to be watching him perform (evolution). There are even Rick Springfield tribute bands (evolution). He has 18 studio albums, many hits and has toured nonstop for years (preservation).

So although it’s too late for Rick Springfield to be nominated this year, maybe next year will be his year! It took awhile for the Hollywood Walk of Fame star to come to fruition, so maybe it’s just a matter of time before he’s recognized for all his work (perseverance).

(Now that the nominees have been named,  an international voting body of more than 600 artists, historians and members of the music industry, as well as a fan-base ballot, votes who they select and the top five vote-getters will get inducted in April 2017. Not sure when the nomination process starts for the next round, but I thought I’d send this out to the Google search engine universe: “Rick Springfield,” “Rock & Roll Hall of Fame” “2018 induction.”)


Jessie’s Girl spoofs

In an intro video at Rick Springfield concerts before he plays “Jessie’s Girl,” there are clips from shows or movies where the song has been used, such as on “Glee” and “Boogie Knights.” It’s also been said that it’s the most popular karaoke song.

This past week I saw two other uses – in recent spoofs, one about a remote control and a commentary about the Iran deal. Thirty-five years after its release, the song is still going strong.

I wasn’t able to post the Iran deal video, which was on the Secure America Now Facebook page, but here are some of the lyrics:

“Iran is no friend, yeah I know they’ve been no friend of mine,
But lately they’re in charge though they’ve done a lotta crimes
Iran’s got themselves a deal and now all they do is lie
And they’re watching us with their spies
And they’re cheating on that new deal, I just know it
And they’re taking advantage of literally everything
You know I wish there was no Iran deal
I wish there was no Iran deal
How could we make a decision like that?
They played along with the charade
Because $150 isn’t pocket change
You know I feel so worried when they start talking nukes
I want to tell Congress to stop but the point is probably moot…”

You get the idea. I bet when RS was recording his “Jessie’s Girl” demo back in his Hollywood living room back in 1979, expressing sexual angst about a girl in his stained glass class, it never crossed his mind that his tune would be used 35 years later to make a political commentary about a country in the Middle East.

There’s also this one from last year was pretty funny and obviously this one was approved by RS:

And there is also the Studio C take on “Rick Springfield’s First Hit Song” here.

If the real “Jessie’s Girl” is still alive, she should be aware of this song by now and, with all the publicity out there about it these days, maybe we’ll soon solve this great mystery of the modern world!

Stripped Down questions: Fall 2016

Because previous Stripped Down Q&A posts often receive hits on this blog, I thought I’d post more recent questions since those most of the questions on those previous posts have already been answered.

So with some upcoming Stripped Down shows coming up (with the Q&A sessions that follow), here’s what I want to know (in case you happen to be searching for some questions and then feel like posting a video of the Q&A session on YouTube…)

  1. When is “Traces” scheduled to be released?
  2. How close are we to the sequel to “Magnificent Vibration”?
  3. Any plans for a sequel to “Late, Late at Night” or any other kind of book?
  4. Have you been working on any new songs lately and if so, what kinds of songs?
  5. What was your mom’s response when you told her you’d be playing Lucifer?
  6. How did you get involved in the Rock Meets Classic tour in Germany and what do you need to do to prepare for that? Will you be performing your songs with a symphony?
  7. What are you looking forward to most about your upcoming fan getaway in the Bahamas?

There are several other questions I have for him, but most are really none of my business and I wouldn’t actually ask him those. Oh, and although there may be a slight possibility that he’s changed his mind about returning to “General Hospital,” his response to that often-asked question is usually, “No,” so maybe skip that question this time…

(I hope to someday attend another Stripped Down show one of these days if he comes back to town with one, but meanwhile I’ve enjoyed all the pics and videos people have posted – thank you to all those generous fans who share them!)

RS on Supernatural


Just finished watching “Supernatural” “Mamma Mia” episode with Rick Springfield. Wow.

Since it was my first time watching the show, I didn’t know what was going on with the brothers/mom storyline, but I thought Rick Springfield did an amazing job in switching between the characters of distraught rock star Vince Vicente and Lucifer.

Although I’ve spent much of the past couple of years catching up on RS’s music, I haven’t done the same with his acting career, although I did watch the “Californication,” “Drop Dead Diva” and “Hawaii Five-O” episodes on Netflix, as well as the “True Detective” scenes and of course “Ricki and the Flash.” My favorite character is Greg on “Ricki and the Flash,” but I have to say that he does a great job of creepy (“True Detective”), narcissistic (“Californication”) and scary/evil (“Supernatural”).

For anyone who missed it, The CW now has the whole episode online. Click here to watch.

(Oh and a quick #FlashbackFriday – one year ago tonight, RS was at the Arizona State Fair and two of my sons sang “Don’t Talk to Strangers” with him. And four nights from now one year ago, I was at the RS concert in Vegas. Aw, good memories.)


Supernatural hotness

There’s so much going on in my mind right now that I can’t sleep. Images of shirtless Rick Springfield from his concert at the Arkansas State Fair this past week are mixed with images of him playing the devil in tonight’s “Supernatural” episode.

The part of my brain that deals with everyday life – work, carpools, homework, parent-teacher conferences, housekeeping, grocery shopping, scheduling dentist appointments, bedtime routines, etc. – has short-circuited due to an overload issue so all I have left is the brain power to contemplate the awesomeness that is Rick Springfield.

Maybe it is a long-term effect of having my bedroom walls plastered with posters like this one:


I wonder if there have been any studies done on the effects of poster-covered walls on brain development during one’s formative years.


My actual bedroom wall, circa the early ’80s. The photo is so old that it has faded.

It’s quite possible that having someone’s face greet you every morning when you wake up and stare at you as you fall asleep permanently alters your subconscious mind. Especially when it’s supplemented with listening to that person’s music over and over again during those formative years.

That would actually explain a lot.

A subconscious fix

Maybe it’s the combination of all the social media posts of people at Rick Springfield concerts – and meeting RS before or after the show – or maybe it’s some deep-rooted withdrawal symptom since I haven’t been to a RS concert since July, but I was able to get a subconscious fix last night.

If it’s true that people share dreams and visit each other’s dreams, RS’s dream schedule is as busy as his tour schedule because he makes appearances in many of his fans’ dreams.

Last night I showed up at a venue at the last minute and there he was walking by himself through the lobby. He looked like he was in a hurry, but  apparently I’m much bolder in my dreams than in real life because this time I approached him. (Not like the past spring where I saw him in the lobby of the hotel I was staying in and walked by him and his band, although I did so at the encouragement of my husband, as he’s not into the whole stalking thing.) He hesitantly stopped, but I got a hug. Then he went into another room and visited with some kids and then on his way out, there I was again and this time I got another hug and I FINALLY got a chance to ask him if he’s seen this  blog. He laughed and I got a longer hug, although in retrospect, he didn’t actually answer me. Then he  had to go start his show, which I didn’t have tickets to.

I found my older son, who was at the venue with me but hadn’t been with me in the lobby, and I told him I just met RS again. “Cool,” he said. Then I decided that even though the show would end after his bedtime, we’d go get tickets and stay for the concert anyway. But unfortunately it was too late – the box office was closed. So we stood outside and watched – RS was just a few rows in front of us, in the audience singing a song I hadn’t heard before (it sounded more like a show tune than one of his songs). We stood and watched and then the doors were closed.

My analysis: 1. I needed a Rick fix, so my brain gave me one to appease me. 2. I really want to be a part of the Bahamas fan trip, but the “doors are closed.” 3. I REALLY want to know whether or not he has read this blog.

5 reasons I ❤ Rick Springfield 

You may know by now that I’m a big fan of Rick Springfield. I think I’ve covered the reasons why in my past 200-plus posts, but I thought I would summarize it here in case anyone is discovering him for the first time after his appearance on “Supernatural” this month.


So here are the five of the reasons why I ❤ Rick Springfield:

1. His music: I will start here because this is where it started for me. (OK, if I am totally honest, it may have started before I heard his music. I can’t remember if his posters torn from teen magazines were plastered on my wall before I had any of his record albums, but I think hearing his songs on the radio and admiring his cuteness happened at the same time.)

Anyway, really it was his music that ignited my crush in 1982 and I quickly bought all his albums and played them over and over and over again.

Even today his large catalog of music, spanning five decades and covering many different styles of music, still amazes me. I still don’t know if I’ve heard them all.  (For more on this, read “Five decades of Rick Springfield” or check out the detailed list on the fan site Rick Springfield and US.)

2. His writing: I love a catchy tune as much as the next person, but the lyrics in the song are what connects me to songs and RS writes great lyrics. Sometimes even after hearing a song multiple times, I still catch something new that I hadn’t noticed before. For instance, I recently listened to “The Man That Never Was” off the “Sound City” CD and was curious about the “Major Martin” line. I Googled it and discovered the historical reference behind it.

Then there’s his prose. His best-selling memoir “Late Late at Night” was hilarious, touching, interesting and I really enjoyed it – both reading it and listening to him read the audiobook. His best-selling “Magnificent Vibration” was quite a story, too, and I am eagerly awaiting the sequel. (For more on his books, see these posts: “My evenings with Rick Springfield” and “Magnificent Vibration from a fan’s point of view.”)

3. His passion: His passion for music, acting and his family and friends is so inspiring to me. To be able to spend your life doing something you love is a huge blessing and I admire people who are able to do that. While other longtime celebrities seek the spotlight by appearing on reality shows, RS has stayed away from that and instead continues to pursue his passion of music and acting (and guest starring on popular shows like “Californication,” “True Detective” and “Supernatural” is a great way of reaching a new audience  while still keeping your personal life private – something that’s more difficult to do on a reality show). Because his focus is on creating music, writing, touring and acting – and less on the self-promotion so prevalent in today’s social media society – he doesn’t always get the recognition he deserves, unfortunately.

Plus, passion is contagious and learning about his life and the ups and downs of his career has also been very inspiring to me. (See “Blogging to inspiration.”) Plus he has such a great sense of humor and seems really down to earth.

4. His compassion: Although I don’t know RS personally, he just seems like a really good guy. He’s so good to his fans and really seems to appreciate them. Although he has that cool rock star persona, he also has shown his sensitive side many times (in interviews) and well, I’m just a sucker for that I guess (and he is cute and funny). Plus he seems to do a lot of benefit concerts, cares a great deal about dogs and other animals, brings kids on stage and sings with them (including two of my sons, an experience I’ll always treasure)  and is very concerned about the future of the earth and it’s nice when people care about things other than themselves.

5. His candidness: In his memoir, and in interviews since the book’s release, he’s shared his struggles with depression and by doing so, has given so many people hope in their own lives. And yes, he’s made a lot of mistakes in his life – haven’t we all – and the fact that he publicized them in his book and strives to improve himself and do the right thing now, makes me respect him a great deal.

To me personally, after I’ve learned about his experiences as a child and his struggles in school and with depression, it has given me insight into my own child’s struggles with ADHD and has helped me become a more understanding parent. (My son recently started writing songs that help him deal with things – one is an instrumental on keyboard called “The Sad Song” and the other one is “I Hate Homework.” He also wants to be an actor. Hmmm…)

(To read stories from fans about the impact RS has made on their life, check out the fan site We Love Rick Springfield.)

Anyway, these are five of the reasons why I ❤ Rick Springfield. What about you?