Officially on TikTok

This week, Rick Springfield announced that he’s now on TikTok (aka RickTok).

For real this time.

This announcement came from his offical Facebook page and his account looks like this:

Note the verified checkmark next to his name and the correct spelling of his name.

I’m pointing this out because there’s also this imposter account:

Not only does this imposter have the name spelled wrong (unless it’s actually a guy named Rick Springfieldd who posted a pic and videos of the rock star with the same name with one D), but the verification checkmark is in the wrong place.

There are also several other imposter accounts there, too, so make sure you are following the correct one.

I’m also including the message below that was posted on the RS Facebook page a few days ago as a reminder.

Remember, Rick nor ANY of his staff or crew will ever solicit followers on any social media account, by direct message or in the comments section, or offer things like “private chat with Rick” or any other scams.

Rick Springfield Facebook post

There are so many valuable things that a person can do with their time and it blows my mind that people waste their time creating fake accounts as an attempt to scam people but unfortunately that’s what some people choose to do with their life (which means, sadly, that there are many individuals who have been harmed by this, both financially and emotionally) so please be aware of this.

And also enjoy the RickTok posts!