A beautiful tribute to a RS fan

Today was permeated with sadness as our country remembered the horrific morning 14 years ago. As I read about tributes and recollections in memory of that day, it was a reminder how much the world has changed since the second before the plane crashed into the first tower.

Long before Facebook and Twitter, Rick Springfield fans connected through various email lists. I was not a part of this as it was during the years where I had not followed RS’s career, but I’ve witnessed the camaraderie that RS fans had in those days by following today’s fan pages.

One of these fans was Marni Pont O’Doherty, a 31-year-old who worked as an investment banker on the 89th floor of 2 World Trade Center, who entertained her fellow fans with her stories and fantasies about RS. In a tribute to her, her RS friends have compiled her various emails and stories on a site dedicated to her memory, Remembering Marni. She was a wonderful writer and her stories are so fun to read, such as “The day Marni met Rick” and “Marni’s Party.” (I’m sure that she would have been thrilled that RS mentioned her in his autobiography).  It’s so nice that her fellow fans put this site together.

It’s also so heartbreaking that her last post was written only about a half hour before the second plane crashed into the building.